Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Grandsons

Well in keeping with my objective of having regular posts to this blog, here is my post for the year 2010.

I just spent two great days with my grandsons and it got me to thinking.  I recently turned 59 and if my family history holds true I have at the most 10 years of life left.  That fact in itself does not concern me.  I have my belief in God and am not worried about the end of my life.  However I would like to pass along something to my heirs. My daughters are both grown and there is not much that I can say to them at this time of their lives.  However there is much that I can say to my grandsons.

First, of course, would be Ty.  Big guy you have some special gifts.  You have intelligence and athletic ability.  That combination is awesome.  You will never have to worry about the jocks picking on you and at the same time you can serve as an example to the kids who are not athletically gifted.  You can learn a lot from your Mom and Dad.  They are both exceptional individuals and if you listen to them you won't go wrong.  Use your gifts and serve as an example to all of your peers.  Remember that your gifts were given to you by God and please remember to thank him for blessing you.  Please remember also that God created all kinds of people and you need to be concerned with all of them.  Since you have been given much, much will be expected from you.  I believe you are up to the challenge.

Now for the little guy.  Matt even though you are only two years old, I believe you will lead a special life.  I think you will be a leader even without trying. You will go your own way and people will follow you.  You won't have to ask, they will do it because God has blessed you as a leader.  Just remember that a leader must lead.  Follow God's teachings and you will find happiness in your life.  At the same time you will touch the lives of others in ways that you cannot imagine.  At this time I feel closer to you because of all of the time we have spent together.  It is the same feeling that I  have about your Mom.  Both of you have and will have an influence far beyond anything that you will ever expect.  You are more like you Mom than you can ever imagine.

I don't mean to leave out the rest of my family but this was a post to my grandsons.  Since I have never told anyone this blog exists, it will only be by accident that you ever find this post.  But if you are meant to see it, then you will.

Love both of you.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Father's Day

Well I posted on Mother's Day but didn't on Father's day. I should have. For the first time in many years I spent part of the day with all of my decedents - my daughters and my grandsons. In years past someone always had something else that needed to be done. But this year, out of the blue, my oldest daughter calls and wants to know the plans for Father's Day. This action might seem normal for most people but for my oldest it was a great change of direction. And I've got to admit I really enjoyed having all of them here. My wife cooked an extraordinary meal and then everyone had to leave. But for just a few hours it was spectacular - one of those days that you wish occurred every day. Even if it never happens again, I will always treasure this Father's Day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Well we made it through another Mother's day. I got to spend part of my day with my Mother-in-law since all of her children including my wife were out of town. I've got to admit that it made me somewhat sad. My Mother died in 1994 quite unexpectedly. I never got the chance to tell her goodbye. I'm not sure what I would have said other than "I Love You" and "Thank You for everything that you did for me". Still, missing that opportunity has left somewhat of a hole in me.

As I was growing up the term love just wasn't used that much. I'm not sure why. Maybe I was too independent to listen. Maybe my parents understood that I knew. I never doubted that they loved me but the words were rarely there. I guess all of this history figures into how I interact with my own children and grandchildren. I try to always tell them that I Love them whenever we talk. I always tell my grandchildren that I Love them also - I don't care that they are all boys and this action probably isn't the manly thing to do. But the truth is that I do Love them all.

Why is it that all of these obvious truths only come with age? With age comes wisdom or with age comes regret? I don't have that answer but I know that I will continue to let my loved ones know how much I care for them until I am no longer able to do so. Maybe that is the part of our lives they will remember when they get my age.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still Here

Okay so what is 15 months among friends? It has been that long since there was a post here - not that it matters since no one but me reads this blog anyway.

To catch up - the evil empire decided my job was no longer needed since they decided to close down the premier testing facility in the United States. I was offered the opportunity to find another job within at&t or to accept their separtion offer. After thinking for at the most a half of a second I chose the separation package. And since I was somewhat critical to the facility I was offered a separation extension to help close down the BTAC. This extension worked in my favor since I was able to take my separation package in 2008 instead of 2007 with a great savings in taxes. Talk about eating your cake and having it too!

So now I am retired - somewhat. I'm teaching at UAB more and teaching a class that I've never taught before. I had forgotten how time-consuming that class preparation could be. My two day a week job turned into a four day a week job. However I am much happer than if I had stayed at at&t. My mind is being forced to work again because I am teaching things I haven't seen in 20 - 30 years. And as most teachers know the secret to teaching is being able to teach something to yourself and then you can teach it to others. And the biggest surprise of all is that I once again have a desire to learn. I have also learned things from the students especially those who are a little older.

Image my ignorance that I had no idea there was a novel called "Atlas Shrugged". I also had no idea there were Stamp microprocessors that are available to the average person. I had forgotten what z-transforms are and why anyone cared about them. And on the down side I had forgotten that some students just want the easy way to a degree and will work hard to get that easy way - such a waste of time and energy.

The best side of retirement is that I have more time to spend with my Grandchildren. I get to babysit my youngest one at least two days a week. Babies are truly God's miracles. I get to go to tot ball games and watch 3 and 4 year old kids try to catch and hit a ball. I am home when my wife comes home instead of dragging in at a later time. I can take her to work and pick her up so that she won't get wet in the rain.

Retirement - I would highly recommend it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The new at&t - the old BellSouth

One man's opinion of the at&t assimilation of BellSouth - BellSouth dithered and dallied, so good riddance to its memory

Let's make no mistake here - there was no merger. BellSouth was bought lock, stock, and barrel by the "new" at&t. And as always happens - to the victor goes the spoils. All of this means that thousands of employees are now wondering if they still have jobs, how their benefits are going to be changed, if their retirment planning is still valid, and for some (like me) what is at&t willing to pay to get rid of employees. Most of the BellSouth officers have already taken their golden parachutes and jumped from the plane. This week one that was going to stay decided it was time to jump. Makes one wonder what turned his stomach.

Everyone saw this day coming. For years now, BellSouth has looked around to make sure they were in step with SBC. We didn't want to do anything that was too far out of line. The formation of Cingular was just the tipoff to the rest of the world.

So be it - we are now the new at&t. We will be assimilated into the collective. Resistance is futile.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

One Of Those Drives To Work

First off let me say that I hate driving in rush hour traffic so I usually don't. But this morning was one of those days when I didn't have a choice. What is it about people which makes them think they can drive 80 miles per hour with only two car lengths separating their car from the car in front of them. And heaven help you if you get in their way - no matter which lane you are in.

However this morning wasn't so bad after all. I turned on my XM radio to Deep Tracks and got in one of those grooves that I wished could go on and on. First it was Delaney and Bonnie with a cut from their Home album - Just Plain Beautiful. Next came Traffic with You Can All Join In. Then it was Boz Scaggs with a really Bluesy cut. All of this was topped off by an Electric Flag cut.

Yea I know it doesn't sound like much but for a few minutes there was no traffic (no pun intended), I was 25 years old again and the day was just plain beautiful. I actually hated getting to work and having to get out of my truck. I think I could have stayed there for hours.

The Best Lawmakers That Money Can Buy

For the last few (many?) years I've come to believe that here in the USA we have the best lawmakers that money can buy.

Here is an example Washington Tries Its Best To Kill Internet Radio

Why does the RIAA think it can hold on to yesterday's world forever? And why does it just take campaign donations(?) to buy the support of our lawmakers? If you take time to think about it, our Congress is a perfect example of inbreeding and all of the problems that occur when this happens.

Term limits anyone??