Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still Here

Okay so what is 15 months among friends? It has been that long since there was a post here - not that it matters since no one but me reads this blog anyway.

To catch up - the evil empire decided my job was no longer needed since they decided to close down the premier testing facility in the United States. I was offered the opportunity to find another job within at&t or to accept their separtion offer. After thinking for at the most a half of a second I chose the separation package. And since I was somewhat critical to the facility I was offered a separation extension to help close down the BTAC. This extension worked in my favor since I was able to take my separation package in 2008 instead of 2007 with a great savings in taxes. Talk about eating your cake and having it too!

So now I am retired - somewhat. I'm teaching at UAB more and teaching a class that I've never taught before. I had forgotten how time-consuming that class preparation could be. My two day a week job turned into a four day a week job. However I am much happer than if I had stayed at at&t. My mind is being forced to work again because I am teaching things I haven't seen in 20 - 30 years. And as most teachers know the secret to teaching is being able to teach something to yourself and then you can teach it to others. And the biggest surprise of all is that I once again have a desire to learn. I have also learned things from the students especially those who are a little older.

Image my ignorance that I had no idea there was a novel called "Atlas Shrugged". I also had no idea there were Stamp microprocessors that are available to the average person. I had forgotten what z-transforms are and why anyone cared about them. And on the down side I had forgotten that some students just want the easy way to a degree and will work hard to get that easy way - such a waste of time and energy.

The best side of retirement is that I have more time to spend with my Grandchildren. I get to babysit my youngest one at least two days a week. Babies are truly God's miracles. I get to go to tot ball games and watch 3 and 4 year old kids try to catch and hit a ball. I am home when my wife comes home instead of dragging in at a later time. I can take her to work and pick her up so that she won't get wet in the rain.

Retirement - I would highly recommend it.