Saturday, January 27, 2007

The new at&t - the old BellSouth

One man's opinion of the at&t assimilation of BellSouth - BellSouth dithered and dallied, so good riddance to its memory

Let's make no mistake here - there was no merger. BellSouth was bought lock, stock, and barrel by the "new" at&t. And as always happens - to the victor goes the spoils. All of this means that thousands of employees are now wondering if they still have jobs, how their benefits are going to be changed, if their retirment planning is still valid, and for some (like me) what is at&t willing to pay to get rid of employees. Most of the BellSouth officers have already taken their golden parachutes and jumped from the plane. This week one that was going to stay decided it was time to jump. Makes one wonder what turned his stomach.

Everyone saw this day coming. For years now, BellSouth has looked around to make sure they were in step with SBC. We didn't want to do anything that was too far out of line. The formation of Cingular was just the tipoff to the rest of the world.

So be it - we are now the new at&t. We will be assimilated into the collective. Resistance is futile.

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